
American workers deserve the freedom to participate in the U.S. economy without being pressured to join a union or pay union dues. Organized labor is the antithesis of worker freedom. Right to Work Laws, which protect 166 million Americans in 27 states, are critical to ensuring workers are not forced to join a union or pay dues as a condition of their employment. OCC supports worker freedom and will warn the public about the causes and consequences of organized labor.

Additionally, independent contractors and freelancers are a vibrant and critical part of the American economy. These Americans want to be their own boss, and enjoy the flexibility of setting their own hours and adapting their workload to suit their lifestyle. OCC stands with these workers and opposes efforts that restrict their participation in our economy by forcing them into traditional employment arrangements.


OCC Urges Congress To Reject The Misleadingly-Named “Paycheck Fairness Act”

Photo Credit: Dan Gaken The House of Representatives will soon vote on H.R. 7, the misleadingly-named “Paycheck Fairness Act,” legislation introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.). If implemented, H.R. 7 would enact no new pay discrimination protections. Instead, the bill would give greedy trial lawyers unprecedented opportunity to target…


ATR Opposes The Raise the Wage Act

Photo credit: Shelly Provost Democrats have reintroduced the “Raise the Wage Act,” legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025, more than doubling the current wage of $7.25/hour. If implemented, this legislation would eliminate millions of jobs, kill thousands of small businesses, and worsen the economic…